Grema 3D - Great Master LTD тел: +359 888 100 273
3D PRINTERS / SCANNERS SLA UnionTech - Pilot250

SLA UnionTech - Pilot250
UnionTech - Pilot250
UnionTech - Pilot250
UnionTech - Pilot250
UnionTech - Pilot250

Industrial SLA 3D Printer

  • Freedom to collaborate and innovate: open design for materials and machine access.
  • Printed parts demonstrate excellent sidewall quality and fine detail, contributing to lower post-finishing requirements.
  • Cost-effective ownership throughout entire life cycle.
  • Automatic control of surface level and processing parameters.

Technical data and information

Подробно Product descriptions

Fabricate beautiful, high-performance models, appliances, and prosthetics on a single printer with a wide range of rigorously tested 3D printing materials.
